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Viewing this website or merely contacting Kelly & Kusiak Law Office LLC does not create an attorney client relationship between you and Kelly & Kusiak Law Office LLC. If we mutually agree to create an attorney client relationship, we will sign an attorney client agreement. Prior to the establishment of an attorney client relationship by mutually signing an attorney client agreement, do not send us any confidential, propriety, or sensitive information because it will be treated as non-confidential and non-proprietary. Although this website may be viewed worldwide, the attorneys at Kelly & Kusiak Law Office LLC are licensed to practice law only in Kansas state and federal courts. If you have legal questions or legal issues, you should discuss those matters with an attorney in the jurisdiction where you reside.


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113 S. 8th | P.O. Box 331
Independence, Kansas 67301
T: (620) 331-2071 | F: (620) 331-4779

Kelly & Kusiak Law Office LLC is located in Independence, Kansas and are licensed to practice law in Kansas state and federal courts.


Copyright © 2015-2025 Kelly & Kusiak Law Office LLC | Legal Disclaimer 

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